Baxley Weather is Offline

Baxley Weather Station is currently offline due to a widespread internet outage from Hurricane Helene. We hope to have internet restored within a few weeks, but we it might take longer. We are sorry for any inconveniences this causes.

Station Time
Max Wind Gusts
Max-Min Temps Annual
Davis Console Forecast
Temperatuur (°F)

Forecast (°F)
Huidige Situatie
Richting | Wind Snelheid (mph)
Barometer (mb)
Daglicht | Donker
Neerslag Vandaag (in)
Weather Camera
UV Index | Solar Radiation
Davis Instruments-Meteobridge
   (MB-UB40.1-IHVN)  Meteobridge NanoSD-(6.0-4941  Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus+FARS
 Baxley, GA Weather Station  
Uptime: 1 Hours °F